Custom Limited Edition Prints

Refresh Your Space With Art

These are limited-edition archival quality prints exclusively in sets of 12 for small prints and in sets of 6 for larger ones. Archival quality prints are created with non-fading dyes and/or embedded in stable photographic paper. The paper is 100% rag cotton, which prevents discolouration over time.

These prints last as long or longer than traditional photographic art prints. Chromira prints are created on stable colour paper with high-end photographic equipment, using the digital file as a negative. Giclée prints are created with ink dyes on various types of archival art papers.

Each print is signed, titled and numbered.

Prints are guaranteed not to fade if professionally framed behind museum glass with proper spacers and backing. Feel free to discuss with me the options in your area. I’d be happy to speak with your framer to ensure you get what you want.

Please allow us to suggest a photograph and quote a price based on your needs, taste, size and location. Contact us.